
  1. Students will be able to identify the basic colors.
  2. Students will be able to make predictions and observations.
  3. Students will be able to take part in experiments.
  4. Students will be able to sort colors into categories.
  5. One objective for preschool students is that they will learn how to
    identify basic colors.
  6. Preschoolers should also understand that when primary colors are
    blended, secondary colors — such as green or purple — are created.

Childhood is a colorful period of life. The students must learn to cherish
the colorful part of human life. Our world is filled with colours, A very
important part of learning during Kindergarten years is identification and
recognition of colors. The kindergarten students of THE MODEL
SCHOOL celebrated their PRIMARY COLORS DAY with fun and
enthusiasm on April 21, 2019 in the school premises.

The day began with a short prayer and continued with various activities
like singing rhymes and jingles on colours, colours identification game
etc. They were taught to make balls with coloured papers. Children were
also excited to see the display done by the teachers. Children were
provided with primary color paper and were asked to create an origami.
Kids danced tothe tunes of different rhymes and exhibited their talents.
The teachers also were dressed up in same primary color as their pupils.

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